
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2022


  A website that I really like The website I'm going to tell you about today is called Lioden.  https://www.lioden.com/ Lioden is a web game, which is a wildlife simulator, where you are oriented to be a lion, pride leader and warrior, you will have to raise new generations and pursue your dreams to be a better player. Was created by the hand of many artists, designers, and programmers; in 2014, their objective was to make many donations to nature reserves in Africa and save different types of species at risk. One of the most popular artists and co-creator is Xylax, a member that is part of other mini gaming companies. I really like the game, because the art is so realistic and gives the sensation of immersion, on another side, the histories created for every one of the months and the context are so interesting, in the future I want to be part of the artists and show my skills, give new characters and employ new tactics for the HTML. I got to know the game in 2018 and since then I


A better place  How does my career help with that? My career affects the world in ways that encourage the creation and expedition of new objects, from the form, visuality, texture and even the style they employ to aid sustainability, manufacturing and collective thinking. When I think about myself and give me the chance to imagine and see the process, I want to work with the big power and capacity to make better things for everyone, trying to employ different forms to solve the visuality and requirements of the people and give them the solutions to be more protagonists of their own histories but with my designs, either by means of an image, a material, an organization, etc. And on another side, my career every day makes evolution on its own methods and ideas, because, it focuses on the creation and management of less environmentally harmful attributes, that respect living beings, which is always part of new beginnings. Greetings to all and be well. (-‿◦☀) NAF2022